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Famille Tisher / Tischer


Ancienne famille suisse originaire des cantons de saint-Gall et de Zürich. Bourgeoise de Henau et de Feuerthalen.



Répartition des familles en Suisse (1999)


Familles Tischer


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My great grandfather Urias TISHER, his wife, Marie, and son, Benedict immigrated to the United States from Switzerland in 1850. Urias was born at Birdsville, Switzerland 19 March 1816 and died in Missouri 31 December 1880. I believe two of Urias' sisters or half sisters accompanied them when they immigrated to the US. One may have been named Barbara. They arrived at the Port of New York and then went to New Market in Northeast Missouri. Benedict was born at Birdsville, Switzerland on 28 November 1843 and died at Hannibal, Missouri 20 March 1918. As far as I know, Benedict was their only child. Any help would be appreciated.


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