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Soldan / Soldanels


Ancienne famille suisse originaire du canton des Grisons. Bourgeoise de Sils im E. et de Thun.



Répartition des familles en Suisse (1999)


Familles Soldan


8959 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas 66212- USA
eMail address:

The SOLDANELS family at Kansas City, Missouri is seeking the genealogy of our great-grandfather, Joseph SOLDANELS. His surname is sometimes shown as SOLDAN on old papers. He is believed to be Protestant and was born about 1826 at Sils, Canton Grisons. His parents, Gian SOLDANELS and Anna CRIALASCH, were probably born prior to 1800, Gian in Switzerland and Anna either in Italy or France. At least three of their children, Joseph, John (born in 1819), and Peter or Pierre, when grown, left and immigrated to Missouri, in 1851-1852, via Le Havre through the Port of New Orleans. Another brother, Andreas, immigrated to Australia leaving a wife and child behind at that time. Both Joseph and John were listed as "confectioners" which may have been a family business. According to court depositions, they were each given a sizeable amount of money to take with them which was considered to be their portion of any inheritances. Joseph is thought to have died sometime before 1881 while in Switzerland and is believed buried at either Zurich or Lucerne.


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