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Famille Linherr
Ancienne famille suisse originaire du canton d'Appenzell-Rhodes-Intérieures. Bourgeoise d'Appenzell.
- John A. Linherr (né vers 1828), émigra aux Etats-Unis vers 1850. Bijoutier.
Répartition des familles Linherr en Suisse (1999)
On estime à environ 7 foyers Linherr installés en Suisse dont 4 dans le canton de Zürich et 2 dans le canton de Vaud.
CHICOINE, Maureen J. eMail address: (Roman Catholic) I am researching John A. LINHERR, born in Switzerland about 1838, a jeweler who imigrated to the US and settled at New York City around 1850. I am looking for his parent's names and place of birth in Switzerland. He married Mary A. MEINELL, probably in New York City around 1865. John and Mary had three or four children all born in New York: Mary A. born about 1867; Catherine born about 1869; Augusta born 1875; and possibly a boy named Oscar. Any information would be appreciated. |
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