Famille Javet


Famille suisse originaire du canton de Fribourg. Bourgeoise de Vully-le-Bas, de Vully-le-Haut, de Carouge (1959), d'Auvernier (1935), de Chézard-St-Martin (1916), de Colombier (1929), de Neuchâtel (1896), de Peseux (1934) et de Lausanne (1956, 1957).

En 1428, à Murten (Morat) sont cités "Petrus Javet...item liberi Rocardi Javet" (Welti: Steurrotel von Murten, Freib. Gesehichtsglie 2ter XVII, page 145)

- En 1956, Edmond Javet est libéré de sa bourgeoisie de Vully-le-Bas pour se faire naturaliser en France (AEF - Libérations 1956/8)

- Daniel Javet est dit "cabarquier à la rive de Morat", témoin de diverses reconnaissances (pas de dates) AEF -Grosse de Morat n° 64, folio 92, 302v, 307 et 311.

Note généalogique

- Eduard Javet, né vers 1854 à Zimmerwald (BE), épouse en 1881 à Zimmerwald, Marianna Broennimann.

- Pierre Javet épouse Madeleine Jonin le 21 mars 1968 à Salt Lake City (Utah - USA)

Répartition des familles en Suisse (1999)

On estime à environ 187 foyers Javet installés en Suisse dont 43 dans le canton de Fribourg, 39 dans le canton de Neuchâtel, 32 dans le canton de Vaud, 31 dans le canton de Berne et 13 dans le canton de Genève..


- "Famille Javet", par Benoit de Diesbach, in Fribourg Illustré du 23 octobre 1992, n° 20, page 14

- "Famille Javet, de Sugiez (1606-1730)" in Archives de la SSGF


Javet vient d'une déformation de Javel, nom désignant celui qui ramasse avec un rateau les blés, les avoines fauchés pour les mettre en bottes.


Familles Javet


Messages d'entraide


I have been researching my late husband's ancestors which includes his gr gr grandfather Louis Javet of Bas Rhin, Alsace,
France. Louis Javet's son Hyppolite Javet was born somewhere in Bas Rhin in 1830. He emigrated to US before
March, 1854 when he married in New Orleans, LA.

However, I find that France has very few surnames spelled Javet and only a few spelled Jauvet and those are not in Bas Rhin.
However, much to my surprize I find a large number of persons with the surname of JAVET in Praz, Sugiez and Sugiez, Fribourg, Switzerland.

Is it possible that the allegedly French JAVET ancestors might have originated in Switzerland in the 1600's and 1700's? Almost all of the forenames are what in my opinion seem French.

Was there a migration back and forth between Alsace and Switzerland for political or employment or wars or whatever?
did some French people skip over into Switzerland to avoid the Germans when they occupied France and then went back etc?

Most of the variant spellings have occured with the first generation that emigrated to the US in 1850-53. [none of those variants include JAUVET]

Appreciate ideas from those who know anything about the history of these two countries and its people etc. breath here

Thanks, Helen McNamara bettybopmc@aol.com


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