Famille Grandliénard


Ancienne famille suisse originaire du canton de Berne. Bourgeoise de Pierrefitte (a).

La bourgeoisie de Pierrefitte se compose de trois familles : Girardin, Grandliénard et Mérillat. Les deux dernières nommées habitent encore la localité.




- Révérend Henry Louis Grandliénard (° 17 avril 1842 à Pierrefitte BE + 13 mai 1912 à New-York USA).

« Born in the village of Pierrefitte, Canton of Bern, Switzerland to parents of French descent: Henri-Louys Grandlienard and Marguerite Bueche. He attended Chrischona Academy at Basel, Switzerland. He was sent to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) for mission work where he remained for three years when he had to return to Switzerland for health reasons.


In 1872, the clerk of the French Evangelical Church in New York heard him preach and negotiated for him to be called to the church in New York. He went to New York with his wife and small child. His wife was the former Martha Heischmann, daughter of a German Lutheran pastor and the sister of another.


He made two month trips in 1879 and 1890, attending the Assembly of the Chrischona Academy.


Following his custom, the Reverend Henri Louis Grandlienard, pastor of the French Evangelical Church at 120 West 16th Street and one of the oldest members in the New York Prebytery, came from his home in Hicksville, Long Island in the forenoon of May 13, 1912 to do some work in his office at the church. About 10:30 he complained to the Sexton's wife, Mrs. Alfred Gentan, of his suffering from a toothache and pushing his books aside told her he was going to the dentist's.


About 2 p. m. a messenger came from the dentist's office at Sixth Avenue and 16th Street, asking that the Sexton come immediately to the pastor who had suddenly taken ill. The sexton's wife followed the messenger and when she arrived at the dentist's parlors she found Mr. Grandlienard streached out on the lounge, blood flowing from his mouth. Mrs. Gentan called other friends of the pastor and he was removed to the New York Hospital.


The conditions of the pastor became gradually worse and he died. The cause of death, according to the hospital record was apoplexy.


The Reverend Henri L. Grandlienard had been pastor of the French Evangelical Chuirch for forty yearts, having come here from Baltimore where he was pastor of a German Congregation. The members of the church were planning a celebration in the coming fall of his 40th anniversary as pastor.


He is memorialized in the church by a large portrait hanging in the pastor's study, undated, but probably at the age of 55 when the church celebrated his 25th anniversary, and with a brass plaque in the nave of the church, indicating in addition to the biographical information, that he was a founder of the New York YMCA and YWCA and of the French Evangelical Home.


The forgoing is editorialized from the book; "The Grandlienard Family of Switzerland and America", by James Sylvester Hook. It includes portions from his obituary published in the New York Times, May 14, 1912”


Of his brothers and sisters we have the following:

Henri-Louis, July 23, 1838 to May 2, 1848.

Julien-Emile, July 27, 1839.

Susanna-Sophie, November 20, 1846.

Emmanuel, July 18, 1843.

Zeline-Emile, November 16, 1845.

Constant-August, March 7, 1847.

Annie-Bertha, March 1, 1849. Died in Chickasha, Ok.

Elise, May 3, 1850 to October 1925, Chickasha, Ok.

Jules, July 1, 1852. Came to America but returned to Moutier, Switzerland where he did in 1922.

Ida, October 28, 1854. Died Nov. 21, 1931 in Ukiah, Calif.


Their children:

Margaret Marie, April 29, 1872 to December 5, 1943

Frances Juliette, November 5, 1873 to November 25, 1941.

Harry, June 2, 1877 to October 3, 1896 (Colorado).

Edward Theodore, December 26, 1878 to November 13, 1951.

Robert James, December 10, 1884 to May 15, 1961

Alex, Sep. 7, 1881 to 1885

Louise, Nov. 16, 1875 to Sep. 19, 1876.

Burial in this cemetery is cited from cemetery records.

His daughter Margaret and her husband Jules Baechler are also buried in this same plot.


Source: Jimmy GERMAN, auteur d’un livre sur la famille Grandliénard dans lequel se trouve un arbre généalogique incluant les descendants de Claude Grandliénard, de Pierrefitte BE et de son épouse Perrenette Girardin dès l’an 1600 et couvrant 14 générations réparties en Suisse, aux Pays-Bas et aux Etats-Unis.


Répartition des familles en Suisse (1999)


Famille Grandliénard

armoiries inconnues

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