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Famille Delachaux
Ancienne famille suisse originaire du canton de Neuchâtel. Bourgeoise de La Chaux-de-Fonds et du Locle.
Trois familles sont issues des Delachaux:
- Delachaux-dit-Gay, Delachaux-dit-Gindre et Delachaux-dit-Peter.
Répartition des familles Delachaux en Suisse (1999)
Familles Delachaux, de La Chaux-de-Fonds et du Locle (NE)
WARDEN, Sandra DELASHAW 6234 South Fulton Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136-2009 eMail address: (Huguenot) I believe I've traced our immigrant ancestor, Jacob DELLECHAUX or DELACHAUX to Gilly, Canton Vaud, Switzerland to a Jean Jaques DELACHAUX and Danielle DELAPERRANIA, whose son Jean Etienne DELACHAUX was baptized 2 August 1681. He married Pernette ROLAZ, and their son, Jean Nicolas DELACHAUX or DELLECHAUX, was baptized 25 August 1714, also at Gilly. The son of Jean Nicolas DELLECHAUX was a blacksmith and immigrated with his brother from London to Nova Scotia in 1748 - he was Jaques Francois DELLECHAUX, baptized 5 May 1745 at London, England. I believe this is the same man as our immigrant ancestor, Jacob DELLECHAUX, blacksmith of New Bordeaux, 96 District, South Carolina, a Huguenot settlement. The ship "St. Peter" was going to Nova Scotia in 1768, but was forced to land in Charleston, South Carolina. The passengers refused to reboard the ship and received land in the upcountry of South Carolina, now McCormick county, South Carolina. I have spent 18 years compiling the descendants of this Jaques / Jacob DELLECHAUX and his wife Sarah Elizabeth ROBERSON (the widow BRITT). In America the surname is spelled DILLASHAW, DILLESHAW and DELASHAW. Please contact me if you would like to share information on this family. |
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mise à jour du 15 janvier 2003